Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Bible Passage Judges Chapter Fourteen - 2687 Words

I have selected the Bible passage Judges Chapter Fourteen verses One-Twenty and have analyzed and interpreted this specific passage by using the King James Version Study Bible. I have also read the article, A Black Feminist Approach to Biblical Studies by Wilda Gafney, which also interprets and analyzes this specific Bible passage. After interpreting this passage myself and then reading Gafney’s work, I can see that we had both seen the story pretty similarly except for that she noticed some specific details in the passage that failed to catch my attention. Her points are strong and compelling but is she looking too deeply into the story? The Book of Judges is thought to be possibly written by Samuel and the purpose of this book is stated to be, â€Å"to show that God’s judgement against sin is certain, and his forgiveness of sin and restoration to relationship are just as certain for those who repent† (KJV Study Bible). Judges Chapter Fourteen verses One-Twenty is specifically the story of Samson’s Feast and Riddle. The author of this passage (thought to be Samuel) is saying that you should not use God’s blessings for selfish purposes. It is a special gift for God to give you these strengths and abilities and to use them selfishly is robbing God, the church, and his fellow believers (KJV Study Bible). As you use the gifts God has given you, you should be sure that you are helping others as God would want you too, not just yourself. This specific Bible passage tells the storyShow MoreRelatedExegesis : Joshua 6 : 15-213605 Words   |  15 Pagesthese stories seem to encourage not only the s laughtering of enemy armies, but also the murder of innocent civilians including the elderly, women, children and livestock. The book of Joshua has a multiple of narratives that tell of such events. 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